Tribes in Wayanad

Wayanad is homeland of various tribal communities.The tribal communities in wayanad are Kattunayakans, Kurichiyans,Paniyas, Adiyas,,Kurumas,Ooralis, Uraali Kurumas.

The Kattunayakan/Cholanaickan
They found in wayanad,kannur,kozhikkode and malappuram districts.The community is known as kattunayakan and cholanaickan. As the name suggests Kattunayakan were the kings of the forest regions engaged in the collection and gathering of forest produces.They also known as Thain (Honey) kuruvar, since they collect honey from the forest.They have all the physical features of a hilly tribe .They speak a language which is a mixture of all Dravidian language.They worship forest,hillocks,ancestors and hindu deities.
The Kurichiyans
They are an agricultural tribal community.They are matrilineal and live in joint families, under the control of their chieftain called 'Pittan'. The members of the extended family work together and spend their earnings for the common purposes.
They have a very efficient social control mechanisms ,the offenders who breaks the rules will be excommunicated.

The Paniyas
Majority of the tribes in Kerala hail from the paniya community. They inhabits in the regions of wayanad and neighboring districts kannur and malappuram.They were bond labors or slaves in plantations and were sold with the plantations by landlords in early days.The name “paniyan” means “worker” ,as they were supposed to have been the workers of landlords. Monogamy is the general rule among the Paniyas. In marriage bride price is practiced like many other tribal communities. Widow remarriage is allowed in their community. They do not practice pre-puberty marriage.
Their major deity, is called 'Kali'. They also worship Banyan tree,and  they protect banyan tree.

The Adiyas
They are known as 'Ravulayar' traditionally.Like the paniya community the adiyas were also treated as slaves by the plantation owners in early days.In an adiya family the husband or the elder man is the head of the family.Polygami is permitted in the adiya community .they also permits divorce and widow remarriage. 

The Uraali Kurumas
They are one of the rarest artisan tribes in kerala.the urali kurumas mostly found in the Wayan region.
They are one among the three subdivision of “Kurumba”,the other two are “mulla” and “jen kurumba” communities.The urali kuruvas considers themselves as the followers of the ancient “kurumba” or “pallava” who where vere strong in south india,and ruled the region. Uralikurumas are also called Bet Kurumas. While Bet Kurumas, found now in the Mysore district of Karnataka speak Kannada, those found in Wayanad speak a language which is a mixture of Kannada and Malayalam.
They choose their bride/bridegroom from their community. Uralikurumas play the flute and drum during their festival occasion. The elder man in the group performs rites to their deity 'Bettu Chikkamma'. Women are not allowed to participate in theses ceremonies. They are also skilled potters with their women folk chiefly involved in this task. Baskets and mats of various types with reeds and bamboo and handmade pots are manufactured by them. The younger generation is more focused on agriculture.
Coffee Trail resort, Wayanad


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